
viernes, 27 de marzo de 2015


An earthquake took place in Ossa de Montiel some weeks ago .
The epicenter, whose magnitude was 5.2 in the Ritcher´s scale, was located at this village. It was similar to another one which occurred in Lorca, Murcia, some years ago and provoked a big disaster.
Fortunately, here the hypocenter was not near the surface, it was ten kilometers deep, and for that reason, it did not provoke damages.
There were many weak replications for several days which got all the inhabitants worried, especially at night, without having a good rest.
Despite the fact that the incident got all the population completely distressed, somehow they were glad at the same time. I mean they were glad, to some extent, of course, because it is thought, that seismic movements can help them to fight against the Fracking project.
A Fracking company wants to exploit this natural area to obtain natural gas to be used as an energy form.
Locals are not in favour of that, mainly because it uses a lot of high toxic substances which can pollute the nearby and spectacular lagoons.
Besides, the Fracking exploitation implies to drill the ground to get deep weels.
As a conclusion, the inhabitants of all neighbouring villages think that a region with such a risk of seismic vibrations is not appropriated to perforate deep wells.

To finish I strongly recommend you to visit this lovely quiet village set a The Natural Park called “Las lagunas de Ruidera”. I promise it will not let you down, on the contrary, it will come up to the expectation.

Deseamos que este maravilloso entorno no se vea perjudicado por la explotación abusiva e inadecuada de sus recursos naturales y entre todos sepamos preservarlo para disfrute nuestro y de las generaciones venideras. Esperamos que el proyecto de la Fractura Hidraúlica  nunca se lleve a cabo.

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